Guidelines for Submitting New Manuscripts

 JEMS is committed to publishing original work that is not published elsewhere and properly cites the relevant literature. All papers submitted to JEMS will be subject to Cross-Check: a tool that compares submissions against a continually updated database of scholarly literature. Submission of papers to JEMS indicates that authors are in agreement that their papers will be screened for plagiarism.

1. New and revised manuscripts should be submitted through Research Exchange Submission at

2. Initial manuscript submissions must include a PDF file. Manuscripts may be submitted in the following formats: PDF, WORD, WordPerfect, TEX, and Scientific Word.  However, a PDF copy is necessary to perform an automated plagiarism check (required for all papers). Submissions must be double-spaced, use 12-point font, and otherwise follow the JEMS style guide.

3. The submission fee is $50.00 for non-subscribers. The fee is waived for authors if they have a subscription to JEMS or their institution’s library has a subscription to JEMS.

4. On the first page of your paper, please include your name and affiliation and your coauthor’s name(s) and affiliation(s). Also, on this page, please include acknowledgments, if any. JEMS is a “single blind” journal; that is, only the coeditors and referees are anonymous, not the authors.

5. For questions, contact JEMS Editorial Office,

Guidelines on Data Disclosure and Data Citation

Data Disclosure

The Journal of Economics and Management Strategy encourages, but does not require, disclosure of data associated with published manuscripts. Authors can upload their data either as an appendix file or as supporting information. Appendices should be designated in the title of the file and will either be part of the published article or uploaded online as supporting information. Should this file be extensive, editors reserve the right to request that the data be treated as supporting information. When uploading these files to ScholarOne, these data files should be included as “supporting information.” The journal may in some circumstances require authors to disclose data to the referees. The journal strongly discourages submission of empirical papers that are based on confidential data.

JEMS’ official policy statement on data sharing is as follows:

“JEMS encourages authors to share the data and other artefacts supporting the results in the paper by archiving it in an appropriate public repository. Authors should include a data accessibility statement, including a link to the repository they have used, in order that this statement can be published alongside their paper.”

Authors can update the data files and explanations if the journal requests a revise and resubmit. Otherwise, authors are not expected to further update their data after publication. The journal is also not responsible for updating the data or making it available to readers unless the data are posted online.

When first uploading files to ScholarOne, authors are encouraged to do the following. For empirical papers, the authors should provide the data collected and the code used to study the data. Empirical papers should also include a readme file with instructions on how to read the data, understand variables, and obtain any data that cannot be disclosed. For papers on experimental work, the authors should describe how the experiments were designed, explain how the data were collected, and disclose other relevant aspects of the experiments that were not already in the paper.

Authors whose papers have been accepted can submit their data to Dataverse, an open-source repository that facilitates data access and gives all authors appropriate credit. Authors should make a profile on to submit their data. For additional instructions, please see this document:

Data Citation

In recognition of the significance of data as an output of research effort, Wiley has endorsed the FORCE11 Data Citation Principles and is implementing a mandatory data citation policy. JEMS requires data to be cited in the same way as article, book, and web citations and authors are required to include data citations as part of their reference list. Data citation is appropriate for data held within institutional, subject focused, or more general data repositories. It is not intended to take the place of community standards such as in-line citation of GenBank accession codes.

When citing or making claims based on data, authors must refer to the data at the relevant place in the manuscript text and in addition provide a formal citation in the reference list. We recommend the format proposed by the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles:

Authors; Year; Dataset title; Data repository or archive; Version (if any); Persistent identifier (e.g. DOI)

Note on Preprints and Preprint Servers

This journal will consider for review articles previously available as preprints on non-commercial servers such as ArXiv, bioRxiv,  psyArXiv, SocArXiv, engrXiv, etc.  Authors may also post the submitted version of their manuscript to non-commercial servers at any time. Authors are requested to update any pre-publication versions with a link to the final published article.

Review Process for New Manuscripts

  1. The editor will send the manuscript to one of our co-editors who has expertise in the manuscript’s field.  The editor or co-editor may screen papers that are not a good fit with the journal.
  2. The co-editor will generally solicit two other expert referees to review the manuscript. JEMS conducts a single-blind peer review: the author’s name and affiliation are known to the referees and co-editor, but the co-editor and referees are anonymous for the author.
  3. Upon receiving the referee reports, the co-editor will then write his or her report. These reports will be sent to the author, along with a cover letter from the editor conveying the decision to accept, revise and resubmit, or reject the paper. A decision to revise and resubmit the paper does not guarantee later acceptance. Referees and co-editors will remain anonymous.
  4. Questions regarding editorial policy should be addressed to the editorial assistant at

Format for Submitting Accepted Manuscripts

1. Accepted manuscripts should be submitted through Research Exchange Submission at

2. Accepted manuscripts can be in the following formats: WORD, WordPerfect, TEX, and Scientific Word. It is necessary to double space, use 12-point font, and follow the JEMS style guide. The final version of accepted manuscripts cannot be in PDF format.

3. Upon final acceptance, a manuscript prepared according to the JEMS style guidelines will be sent by the journal editor to Wiley-Blackwell Publishing for copyediting. Page proofs will be sent to the authors for proofreading.